Charlie David Campbell

Charlie David Campbell
To cute to say no to... and he knows it!

Sunday 10 April 2011

There’s Fondue & Then There’s Fondon’t

Just waiting for his

Jamie and I celebrated our two-year anniversary this past Wednesday. Jamie being a chef and myself, being the lucky lady that I am, he decided to make us an amazing fondue dinner for the occasion. It was delicious and we both enjoyed a decadent spread of amazing food. Later that night we cleaned the kitchen as usual, (for those of you who have a Great Dane or a dog that is equally as large you know nothing can be left out in your kitchen because nothing is out of bounds). We decided to leave the oil on the stove to cool before we put it away. The following day Jamie had a small job to do in the yard, Charlie was sleeping and taking the advice of an age-old saying he ‘let sleeping dogs lie'. Approximately 20 minutes later Jamie returned to the house to find the fondue pot, upright, lid off, on the floor. No oil anywhere. Jamie didn’t even clue into what had happened until Charlie retreated to the far corner of our living room and projectile vomited not once, not twice, but three times. Turns out the clever monster had pulled the pot off the stove without spilling a drop removed the lid and proceeded to lap up almost a liter of cooking oil. He was not the only culprit in this well thought out plan, our cat Tia was more then happy to get in on the action once the hard work was done. Needless to say when you mix a liter of oil with a counter sized dog, add a dash of cat, four cups of vomit and a third of a cup of diarrhea you get a very messy fonDON’T!!!

No need to worry, Charlie is just fine. I do, however, think it will be quite a while before we have fondue again! As for Charlie, I'd like to think he learned his lesson but......

Visit our website for awesome photos and great info about our oil hungry Dane Charlie at

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! That's awful!! I am glad Charlie is ok. Silly boy.
