Charlie David Campbell

Charlie David Campbell
To cute to say no to... and he knows it!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Best for Your BEST Friend

If you own a large breed dog I am sure you can relate to this small bone I have to pick. I have noticed some people that own smaller dogs tend to find inappropriate behavior cute. While small toy breeds seem harmless when the bark, nip, or jump up on people or other dogs the consequences, if you own a large or small dog, are one and the same. Plenty of times I have found myself at the dog beach with my Great Dane and lots of small toy breed dogs that are far more aggressive then their owners realize. Before I continue I must say, I know lots of wonderful small dogs with amazing owners and tons of large dogs with owners that fall short of the mark. I am in no way saying this is true of all small dog owners. However, the assumption that size means aggression or bad behavior is frustrating and basically ignorance, and I in the past I was just as guilty as the next person. Many times I have been jumped on, barked at, or nipped by small toy breeds and their owners have done nothing. If my Dane Charlie jumped up on someone (which has happened) I get screamed at, cursed at, and even threatened. I can’t say that this reaction is uncalled for. I know, as a giant breed owner, I have a monster responsibility to make sure that my Dane knows the rules and correct behavior so we can avoid any accidents. However when another owner gets angry with my dog for jumping up on them or their dog, threatens, curses, and screams at me then turns around and lets their Terrier, or Pug do the same to someone else without even batting an eye is definitely frustrating! All dog owners have the same responsibility, to teach, lead and show our dogs what behavior is acceptable, appropriate, and safe. Size and breed should hold no merit. So if you own a Great Dane, Bull Mastiff, Jake Russell Terrier, or a Miniature Pincher the responsibilities are the same. And if you don’t own a dog please think twice about accepting inappropriate behavior from a small dog and try to think how you would react if my Dane was the dog being inappropriate.
I don’t want to give out the wrong impression that I dislike small dogs, or that I am attacking small dog owners. However it does seem that small dogs and their owners live by a different set of rules. I also realize that owning a Giant Breed dog comes with Giant responsibilities of which I am more than happy to accept for my part, but a level playing field is not a Giant request and in that owning a small or mid size dog does not exempt you as an owner from taking the same responsibilities as any large breed owner. Snarling, barking, growling, and jumping up are unacceptable behavior no matter the size or the breed and should be dealt with appropriately. Do it not for you or for me but for your dog, because it is we as owners to teach our loved ones how to behave properly around people and other dogs ensuring a happy healthy best friend.

Educating people on Great Danes

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